Rocking Dinosaur Father’s Day Card

Check out our Rocking Dinosaur Father's Day Card! This printable craft is perfect for kids to color and make, creating a unique and personalized gift for dad. Let your little ones unleash their artistic skills and surprise their dino-loving dads with this rocking card that is sure to bring a smile to their faces. Get ready for a roar-some Father's Day celebration!"

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Celebrate Father’s Day in prehistoric style with our Rocking Dinosaur Father’s Day Card!

Designed with love for all the dino-loving dads out there, this interactive card is perfect for children to color and create a unique gift for their special fathers.

With its charming hand-drawn illustrations of a young dinosaur and its dad, this card not only showcases creativity but also rocks with a simple touch, adding an extra element of surprise and delight.

Get ready to make memories and show appreciation with this easy-to-make and fun-filled card that will surely make Dad’s heart roar with joy!

Check out our Rocking Dinosaur Father's Day Card! This printable craft is perfect for kids to color and make, creating a unique and personalized gift for dad. Let your little ones unleash their artistic skills and surprise their dino-loving dads with this rocking card that is sure to bring a smile to their faces. Get ready for a roar-some Father's Day celebration!"

Children of all ages will love making this unique and fun rocking father’s day card. And if you have more than one child and are looking for more creative options, we have plenty on offer!

For more inspired cards for dad, take a look at our wonderful Daddy Shark Card, Pop-up Clown Fish Card and Pop-up Super Dad Card!

How to Make a Rocking Dinosaur Father’s Day Card


  • White Cardstock for Printing
  • A Coloring Medium
  • Scissors 
  • Glue Stick 

Download the Rocking Printable Father’s Day Card 

The Rocking Dinosaur Father’s Day Card Template is available to members of the
 Arty Crafty Kids club
Members will need to log in to access the templates

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Watch the Step-by-Step Tutorial for how to Color and Make the Rocking Father’s Day Card:

Let’s Make a Dino Card!

Before printing, set select ‘fit to page’ and make sure the printer is adjusted to accept weighted paper/card.

Image featuring a colored in Dinosaur Father's Day Card template.

Step 1: Color in the Rocking Dinosaur Father’s Day Card Template

Select a favorite medium to color in the Dino-card.

Coloring is a great way for children to play and explore color in terms of experimenting with color combinations and blending techniques.

The cards can be colored in with crayons, pencils or marker pens.

And if your Arty Crafty Kids are feeling adventurous, why not try watercolors! mine LOVE coloring with watercolor brush pens – they’re a favorite medium of ours and are super easy to use ( they also last forever!).

Step 2: Once all the card elements are colored in, carefully cut the pieces out.

Image featuring hands cutting a slit into the rocking piece of the card.

Step 3: Fold the rocking card element in half.

Step 4: Cut along the dotted line. 

Find the vertical dotted line on the fold of the rocking card and cut a small slit into the rocking element – this will lead to creating an interesting fold within the card.

Step 5: Create an indent in the card by folding the smaller segment on one side of the card and then again to the other side.

Step 6: Open the card and carefully fold the small indent back into the card.

Step 7: Next, close the card.

Image featuring a hand affixing the palm tree into the indented segment of the rocking card.

Step 8: Affix the palm tree inside the indented segment.

Image featuring hands affixing the dinosaurs onto the front of the dinosaur card.

Step 9: Glue the dinosaurs to the front of the rocking Father’s Day card.

Image featuring hands affixing the volcano piece onto the back of the card.

Step 10: Turn the card over and glue the volcano behind the dinosaurs.

Check out our Rocking Dinosaur Father's Day Card! This printable craft is perfect for kids to color and make, creating a unique and personalized gift for dad. Let your little ones unleash their artistic skills and surprise their dino-loving dads with this rocking card that is sure to bring a smile to their faces. Get ready for a roar-some Father's Day celebration!"

The Rocking Dinosaur Card is complete – all that’s left is for your Arty Crafty Kids to write a special Father’s Day message.

The combination of creativity, love, and effort put into making this card will make it a cherished keepsake for years to come.

So, go ahead and present dad with this rockin’ surprise on Father’s Day.

Happy crafting and Happy Father’s Day!

Check out our Rocking Dinosaur Father's Day Card! This printable craft is perfect for kids to color and make, creating a unique and personalized gift for dad. Let your little ones unleash their artistic skills and surprise their dino-loving dads with this rocking card that is sure to bring a smile to their faces. Get ready for a roar-some Father's Day celebration!"

Join the Fun & Access Our Templates!



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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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