Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets

Arty Crafty Kids | Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets - Chose from Rudolf, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer to colour in, cut and play with! Adorable, hand drawn Christmas Reindeer finger puppets for kids #printable #christmas #christmascrafts #kidscrafts

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Craft meets play with these adorable Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets! Arty Crafty Kids can choose from Rudolph, Vixen, Dancer and Dasher to colour in and enjoy with endless possibilities…

Bring these lovable to life through the art of story telling.  Set up a small puppet theatre and work with your children to create a story with a beginning, middle and end. What adventures will they have?

And venture into a members area, where you can also download Mr and Mrs Claus!

Arty Crafty Kids | Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets - Chose from Rudolf, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer to colour in, cut and play with! Adorable, hand drawn Christmas Reindeer finger puppets for kids #printable #christmas #christmascrafts #kidscrafts

Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets: Materials 

Colouring Pens/Pencils or even Paint!
White Card Stock

Download Rudolph, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer from the Arty Crafty Kids Club

Already a member? login here! 

Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets: Tutorial 

Arty Crafty Kids | Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets - Chose from Rudolf, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer to colour in, cut and play with! Adorable, hand drawn Christmas Reindeer finger puppets for kids #printable #christmas #christmascrafts #kidscrafts

Step 1: Download and print the reindeer templates onto white card stock!

Download Rudolph, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer from the Arty Crafty Kids Club

Arty Crafty Kids | Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets - Chose from Rudolf, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer to colour in, cut and play with! Adorable, hand drawn Christmas Reindeer finger puppets for kids #printable #christmas #christmascrafts #kidscrafts

Step 2: Add a splash of colour!

Arty Crafty Kids | Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets - Chose from Rudolf, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer to colour in, cut and play with! Adorable, hand drawn Christmas Reindeer finger puppets for kids #printable #christmas #christmascrafts #kidscrafts

Step 3: Grab a pair of scissors and begin cutting around the puppets. 

While the reindeer bodies are reasonably easy to navigate around,  little hands may need assistance around the antlers!

Arty Crafty Kids | Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets - Chose from Rudolf, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer to colour in, cut and play with! Adorable, hand drawn Christmas Reindeer finger puppets for kids #printable #christmas #christmascrafts #kidscrafts

Step 5: Cut out a pair of finger holes.

The holes are fairly generous in the size to allow ‘best fit’ for your child’s fingers. Try to leave any excess white space at the bottom of the hole.

Arty Crafty Kids | Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets - Chose from Rudolf, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer to colour in, cut and play with! Adorable, hand drawn Christmas Reindeer finger puppets for kids #printable #christmas #christmascrafts #kidscrafts

Step 6: It’s time to play!

With all four designs, kids can add personality and character to their reindeer.

To get your Arty Crafty Kids started, ask them…

  • What are their character traits?
  • What does Rudolph sound like?
  • Can Dancer really dance?


The Arty Crafty Kids club is filling up with

Christmas Craft templates!

Here’s a small snapshot of what you can expect to

find when you join.

Arty CArty Crafty Kids Club - Printables


For more Reindeer fun, check out the following posts:

Pin for Later!

Arty Crafty Kids | Printable Reindeer Finger Puppets - Chose from Rudolf, Vixen, Dasher and Dancer to colour in, cut and play with! Adorable, hand drawn Christmas Reindeer finger puppets for kids #printable #christmas #christmascrafts #kidscrafts

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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