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This super cute printable Lion Fathers Day Card is great fun for kids to cut, stick and assemble; creating a sweet card that will make Daddy weak at the knees! The simplicity of the printable design works well for small children who are refining their scissor skills and the extra large nose is purposely big to allow for any potential error as kids’ navigate their way around the smaller shape.
This Lion Father’s Day Card forms part of a growing collection of DIY Printable Cards, which also includes “I love your True Colours Rainbow Card” and a panda and cat adaption of the lion.
The cat adaption can be found in our exclusive member’s area where you can also download:
Art & Craft Templates
How to Draw Guides
Animal and Shape Outlines
ARTspiration and How-to Guides for previous Arty Crafty Boxes
For more information about the exclusive members’ area and Arty Crafty Box, click HERE.
Lion Fathers Day Card: Materials
Yellow Card Stock
Orange/Yellow/Patterned & Plain Paper
PVA Glue
x2 Large Googly Eyes
Black Marker
Download and print the template (found towards the bottom of this post)
Lion Fathers Day Card: Video
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Lion Fathers Day Card: Tutorial
Step 1: Download and print the template onto yellow cardstock.
If you don’t have any yellow cardstock, the Arty Crafty Kids could paint or colour in the printable.
Step 2: Using the line as a guide, fold the card in half.
Step 3. While the card is folded, cut out the circular shape.
Step 4. Unfold the card and cut out the nose.
Step 7. Add a pair of googly eyes and nose.
Using the black marker, finish off with a cute lion smile.
Step 8. Trim the paper mane of the lion and add a special message.
Here are a few ideas…
“Dad, you are Roar-some”
“I think you’re Amazing and I’m not Lion”
Download the Template:
To access the template, sign up to our Arty Crafty Kids Club newsletter, and we’ll also keep you posted about other crafts, free templates and offers for the Arty Crafty Box!
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This template, and many others, is also available in our Arty Crafty Kids Club Members Area Free 10-Day Trial – Sign Up Here
I hope your Arty Crafty Kids enjoy creating their Lion Fathers Day Card and Daddy has “roarsome” time!