Button Spider Easy Kids Craft

Arty Crafty Kids - Craft - Button Spider Easy Kid Craft

Sharing is caring!

Our button spider is not only cute, it’s quick and easy too, making it an ideal Halloween kid craft for little fingers.

They can be personalised with different colours to give them some character. As you can see, our example spider is modelling furry neon pink rock star legs!

I doubt you’ll find another spider quite like it…

Combine the craft with a spider web art project or set up a super fun “find the spider” Halloween game.

Either the kids will have enjoy playing with their furry creations.

Shall we make it?

MATERIALS: Button Spider 

This post contains affililates 

x2 Pipe Cleaners (US Link / UK Link)
Large Black Buttons with 4 Holes (US Link / UK Link)
x2 Googly Eyes (US Link / UK Link)
PVA Glue (US Link / UK Link)

Let’s Make It! 

Arty Crafty Kids - Craft - Button Spider Easy Kids Craft

Cut the pipe cleaners in half to make 4 seperate pieces.

Arty Crafty Kids - Craft - Button Spider Easy Kids Craft

Thread two pipe cleaners into the button holes to make the first 4 spider legs.

Arty Crafty Kids - Craft - Button Spider Easy Kids Craft

Turn the black button over and wrap one of the remaining pipe cleaners around the 2 legs on each side.

Arty Crafty Kids - Craft - Button Spider Easy Kids Craft

Bend the pipe cleaner spider legs into shape and attach the googly eyes with PVA glue.

You should now have a rather cute looking button spider!

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