3D Tulip Flower Craft for Mother’s Day

Give mom the gift of an everlasting bouquet of tulips with our 3D Tulip Flower Craft this Mother's Day Using the scrape painting technique, kids' will learn how to capture the beauty and color of real tulips within their craft; creating the perfect gift and keepsake for mom, grandma, auntie etc on Mother's Day.

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Give mom the gift of an everlasting bouquet of tulips with our 3D Tulip Flower Craft this Mother’s Day.

Using the scrape painting technique, kids’ will learn how to capture the beauty and color of real tulips within their craft; creating the perfect gift and keepsake for mom, grandma, auntie etc on Mother’s Day.

Our tulip flowers are super easy and fun to make. The craft benefits from a printable tulip template that can be colored in or cut out and traced onto colored card stock. This makes the craft easy to complete at home and transferable within a classroom setting.

As well as making beautiful 3D Tulips, for a well rounded art and craft experience, children may also benefit from following our step-by-step “how to draw a tulip bouquet” to learn how to also draw these pretty flowers.

Give mom the gift of an everlasting bouquet of tulips with our 3D Tulip Flower Craft this Mother's Day

Using the scrape painting technique, kids' will learn how to capture the beauty and color of real tulips within their craft; creating the perfect gift and keepsake for mom, grandma, auntie etc on Mother's Day.

How to Make the 3D Tulip Flower Craft for Mother’s Day


  • White Card Stock for Printing
  • Paper Straws
  • Green Tissue Paper
  • Paint
  • Scrap Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick

Download the Printable Tulip Template

Image presenting materials to complete the 3D Tulip Flower craft for Mother's Day.

The tulip template is available to members of the Arty Crafty Kids club
Members will need to log in to access the templates: 

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Watch the Step-by-Step How to Make a 3D Flower Craft Video Tutorial:

Let’s Make 3D Tulips for Mother’s Day!

The Scrape Painting Technique

As the name suggests, it is the art of scaping paint across a canvas. Scrape painting is such a fun and effective technique for blending colors and creating cool textures.

All you need is paint, ideally acrylic paint and scraps of card/cardboard or an old bank card. Essentially the “scraper” needs to be sturdy with a flat edge. It needs to be easy for little hands to hold and manoeuvre, and strong enough to be scraped across a canvas – in this example, pieces of thick purple card stock.

Image showing hands squirting yellow paint onto the tulip printable template.

Apply the Paint

Tulips come in an array of extraordinary colors and combinations, which means Arty Crafty Kids can really have fun with their color selections and explore complimentary colors.

To begin, select two or three colors and apply generous squirts of paint directly onto the card stock, ideally, just under the last tulip head of the row.

Image showing hands scraping paint in an upwards motion across the tulip head.

Begin Scrapping the Paint in One Direction

Position the scraper just behind the paint and in one motion, scrape the paint from the bottom to the top of tulip head.

Arty Crafty Kids may choose to scrape in a straight line OR they could try scraping with sweeping motions, first to the left and then again to right. This will help to create the impression of the petal layers.

Image showing hands continuing to apply the scrape painting technique to all the tulips featured in the template.

Scrape the Paint in the Opposite Direction

If Arty Crafty Kids experiment with sweeping motions to complete their tulips; once the paint is scraped in one direction, try to gather the excess paint onto the scraper (shown in the video tutorial) and use this paint for the second scrape in the opposite direction.

Using the process of gathering excess paint, Arty Crafty Kids should be able to paint ALL the tulips with the paint that’s applied to the bottom of each row.

Image showing 6 cut out painted tulips.

Cut out the Tulip Shapes

Once the paint has thoroughly dried, cut out all the tulip heads.

Image showing hands folding each of the tulip heads in half.

Fold the Tulip Heads in Half

Next, fold each tulip head in half.

Image showing hands gluing the folded tulip heads on top of each other.

Layer the Tulip Halves

To build the 3D element of the tulip craft, apply a generous amount of glue to one half (white side) of the tulip and place another half on top.

Align in tulips and repeat the process to add another tulip half.

Layer all the Tulip Halves

Once all the tulip pieces are connected, open the folds as shown above.

Image showing hands flattening the tip of the paper straw.

Flatten the Paper Straw Tip

Next, flatten the tip (approx 2-3 cm) of the paper straw.

Image showing hands gluing the straw to the inside of the folded tulips.

Position the Straw within the Tulip Fold

Place the straw inside the fold and apply lots of glue to both tulip folds.

Secure the Remaining Tulip Folds

Pull to the remaining tulip folds round to join and gently push the straw into the center to the tulip.

Squeeze the two folds together.

Create a Tissue Paper Leaf

Cut out two leaf shapes from some green tissue paper.

Attach the Leaf to the Tulip’s Stem

Apply a little glue to the bottoms of the leaves and wrap them around the stem.

Give mom the gift of an everlasting bouquet of tulips with our 3D Tulip Flower Craft this Mother's Day

Using the scrape painting technique, kids' will learn how to capture the beauty and color of real tulips within their craft; creating the perfect gift and keepsake for mom, grandma, auntie etc on Mother's Day.

The 3D Tulip Flower Craft for Mother’s Day is Complete!

I hope your Arty Crafty Kids have enjoyed using the scrape painting technique to create their beautiful and unique tulips. If you happen to share their completed works of art on social media, please tag us to show off how they’ve colored and used their tulip bouquets!

Give mom the gift of an everlasting bouquet of tulips with our 3D Tulip Flower Craft this Mother's Day

Using the scrape painting technique, kids' will learn how to capture the beauty and color of real tulips within their craft; creating the perfect gift and keepsake for mom, grandma, auntie etc on Mother's Day.

More Craft Ideas for Mother’s Day

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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