3D Printable Umbrella Spring Craft

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“The month of April, traditionally a rainy period, gives way to May, when flowers will bloom because of water provided to them by the April rains”

April Showers bring May Flower – Wiktionary

To celebrate all aspects of Spring, we’ve created a fun 3D Printable Umbrella Spring Craft for kids to make during the rainy season.

This Spring activity can be split into two parts: Arty Crafty Kids will love exploring materials and printing techniques to create a rainy backdrop and then colouring, cutting and sticking to complete their pictures with a 3D Umbrella.

It’s a great way for kids to combine art and craft into one complete piece, while experimenting with shape and textures.

3D Printable Umbrella Spring Craft: Materials

White Card Stock x2
Brown Paper
Circular Object for Printing
Paint (standard ready-mix & watercolour palette)
Glue Stick or PVA Glue

The 3D Umbrella Template is exclusively available to Arty Crafty Kids Club members.

Join the Arty Crafty Kids club to download the templates and access our complete collection of Art & Craft templates, Colouring Pages, How to Draw Guides, Activity Booklets and much more!

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3D Printable Umbrella Spring Craft: Video Tutorial

3D Printable Umbrella Spring Craft: Tutorial

Arty Crafty Kids | April Showers 3D Printable Umbrella Craft  | Spring Craft idea for kids with printable umbrella template @artycraftykids

Step 1:

Let’s create a rainy backdrop!

There a various approaches to this element of the activity. Here, we’ve simply printed circles with a round cardboard object (a former pencil pot).

Arty Crafty Kids may also enjoy printing with their finger tips, bubble wrap, a potato stamp cut as a raindrop or with splats!

Arty Crafty Kids | April Showers 3D Printable Umbrella Craft  | Spring Craft idea for kids with printable umbrella template @artycraftykids

Step 2:

If your Arty Crafty Kids used a round object like us, try filling the circles with watercolour paint.

Arty Crafty Kids | April Showers 3D Printable Umbrella Craft  | Spring Craft idea for kids with printable umbrella template @artycraftykids

Step 3:

Download and print the umbrella template onto white card stock.

Paint the template!

Arty Crafty Kids | April Showers 3D Printable Umbrella Craft  | Spring Craft idea for kids with printable umbrella template @artycraftykids

Step 4:

Cut out the umbrella elements.

Arty Crafty Kids | April Showers 3D Printable Umbrella Craft  | Spring Craft idea for kids with printable umbrella template @artycraftykids

Step 5:

Trace round the umbrella handle onto brown paper (or paint the template brown) and carefully cut it out.

Arty Crafty Kids | April Showers 3D Printable Umbrella Craft  | Spring Craft idea for kids with printable umbrella template @artycraftykids

Step 6:

Add glue to the two white flaps and fold them under the umbrella so that they will lie flat against the rainy backdrop.

Arty Crafty Kids | April Showers 3D Printable Umbrella Craft  | Spring Craft idea for kids with printable umbrella template @artycraftykids

Step 7:

Stick the umbrella hood and handle to the backdrop.

The 3D Printable Umbrella Spring Craft is now complete!

Arty Crafty Kids Club

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I hope your Arty Crafty Kids enjoy creating their 3D Umbrella’s. While it’s a simple craft, it’s a fun way to explore shape and play with dimensions.

For more 3D Spring Activities, take a look at these popular art and craft ideas:

3D Spring Flower Craft

3D Spring Lamb Craft

Happy Crafting!

Arty Crafty Kids | April Showers 3D Printable Umbrella Craft  | Spring Craft idea for kids with printable umbrella template @artycraftykids

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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