3D Paper Dragonfly Craft

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Art, craft and shape play meet to form this wonderful 3D Paper Dragonfly Craft!

Dragonflies, with their shimmering colors and delicate wings are one nature’s most beautiful bugs. Now your Arty Crafty Kids can use our printable template design to make their very own dragonfly.

Our dragonfly craft is made up of simple shapes (rectangles and cylinders) to form the structure of a realistic dragonfly – which is a lovely, hands-on way for children to learn about 2D and 3D shapes.

The dragonfly template is a fun and engaging way to learn about these amazing insects and their unique shapes and patterns. Children can use their own creativity to color and decorate the dragonfly, adding their own personal touches to make it truly one-of-a-kind.

Looking for a fun and engaging bug craft? Play with shapes to make a stunning 3D Paper dragonfly Craft with the kids. A fun and easy craft for kids!

For more immersive fun with insect crafts, take a look at our collection of 3D Butterfly Coloring Pages, 3D Bugs and our 3D Flying Beetle Finger-Puppet!

How to Make the 3D Paper Dragonfly Craft


  • Card Stock for Printing 
  • Coloring Medium 
  • Glue Stick 
  • Scissors

Download the Dragonfly Template: 

Make sure the printer settings are set to ‘fit to page’ and will accept heavy weighted paper.

The 3D Dragonfly template is available to members of the 
Arty Crafty Kids club
Members will need to log in to access the templates: https://www.artycraftykids.com/product/3d-dragonfly-craft-template/

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Watch how the 3D Dragonfly is made!

Now lets make a 3D Dragonfly!

Image featuring a hand using watercolor pens to color in the dragonfly template.

Step 1: Use a favorite coloring medium to decorate the dragonfly template.

The Dragonfly template is an open invitation for children to use their imaginations to creatively color in the pieces that make up the dragonfly. 

Our featured dragonfly has been colored with water color pens, which are a fantastic coloring medium for children – they’re quick and easy to use (with great pigmentation), and do not contribute to hand ache as children a prone to pushing down hard on coloring crayons/pencils.

Similar effects can be created with crayons, marker pens, pastels and watercolor paint from a palette.

Image featuring a hand applying glue to one of the cut out dragonfly segments.

Step 2: Start with the largest rectangle and apply a generous spread of glue to the white flap.

Put all the dragonfly segment pieces in size order.

Image featuring a hand curling the rectangular segment around to form a cylinder.

Step 3: Curl the rectangle shape to make a cylinder.

Image featuring a hand applying glue to the rim of one of the cylinders.

Step 4: Curl the second largest rectangle into a cylinder to form the second segment of the dragonfly’s body.

Image featuring a hand placing one cylinder inside the other.

Step 5: On the side of the clearly defined join, apply glue to the top edge of the second cylinder.

Image features a hand glueing two segments together.

Step 6: Align the joins of the segments and affix the second segment to the inside of the first.

Image featuring a hand joining another segment to the dragonflies body.

Step 7: Create the third dragonfly body segment and connect it to the second.

Image featuring a hand glueing the final segments to the dragonfly's body - it's beginning to look like a telescope.

Step 8: Continue connecting the segments to add length to the dragonfly’s body.

The dragonfly’s body should begin to look like a telescope!

Image featuring a hand holding the dragonfly's body.

With all the segments connected, the craft should emulate the structure of a dragonfly’s thorax and abdomen.

Real dragonflies have 10 distinct segments while our craft features the Frons (head), thorax (first largest segment) and abdomen (remaining segments).

Image featuring a hand glueing the head to the dragonflies body.

Step 9: Affix the head to the dragonfly’s thorax segment.

Image featuring a hand holding a wing and drawing attention to the small flap that will join the wing to the body.

Step 10: Fold the small flaps on the dragonfly’s wings and apply a generous spread of glue.

Looking for a fun and engaging bug craft? Play with shapes to make a stunning 3D Paper dragonfly Craft with the kids. A fun and easy craft for kids!

Step 11: Affix the wings to the second segment.

Looking for a fun and engaging bug craft? Play with shapes to make a stunning 3D Paper dragonfly Craft with the kids. A fun and easy craft for kids!

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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