3D Paper Beetle Bug Craft

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Immerse your kids’ into the wonderful world of insects with our 3D Paper Beetle Bug Craft!

Spring has arrived and so have all the creepy crawlies. This 3D bug Craft is the perfect way to bring the natural world to life in your very own home or classroom.

With its realistic design and intricate details, this bug craft will have Arty Crafty Kids buzzing with excitement.

Not only is it a fun and engaging activity, but it’s also a great way to learn about different beetle species and their habitats.

Whether you’re studying mini-beasts as part of a science topic or just looking for a creative way to pass the time, this craft is sure to inspire curiosity and wonder.

Immerse your kids' into the wonderful world of insects with our 3D Paper Beetle Bug Craft! Spring has arrived and so have all the creepy crawlies. This 3D bug Craft is the perfect way to bring the natural world to life in your very own home or classroom.

And to make learning about the natural world fun and interactive for our Arty Crafty Kids, the beetle design doubles up as a finger-puppet!

How to Make the 3D Paper Beetle Bug Craft


  • Card Stock for Printing
  • Coloring Medium
  • Glue Stick
  • Scissors

Download the Beetle Bug Template: 

Make sure the printer settings are set to ‘fit to page’ and will accept heavy weighted paper.

Image featuring a completed 3D paper beetle

The 3D Paper Beetle Bug template is available to members of the 
Arty Crafty Kids club
Members will need to log in to access the templates: https://www.artycraftykids.com/product/3d-beetle-bug-craft/

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Watch how the 3D Beetle is made!

Now lets make a 3D Bug!

Image featuring a hand coloring the beetle template in various shades of green.

Step 1: Color in the beetle bug template.

The beetle template is an open invitation for children to use their imaginations to creatively color in the pieces that make up the beetle bug.

Our featured beetle has been colored with water color pens, which are a fantastic coloring medium for children – they’re quick and easy to use (with great pigmentation) which doesn’t cause little hands to ache.

Similar effects can be created with crayons, marker pens, pastels and watercolor paint from a palette.

Image featuring a hand coloring in the  beetles shell various shades of green mixed with green and yellow.

Children may use their creativity to color the beetles in their favorite colors.

Image featuring multiple beetles of different colors to inspire Arty Crafty Kids to use different color combinations in their design and coloring of their beetle
Beetle Inspiration Image

Or for a realistic appearance, Arty Crafty Kids could research beetles (or look for) found within their local habitat or around the world, and attempt to create the colors within the template.

From an artistic perspective, the craft presents a wonderful opportunity for children to practice their blending techniques.

Image featuring all the beetle elements from the template and cut out and ready to be made.

Step 2: Once all the beetle parts are colored, carefully cut them out.

Image showing a hand gluing the beetles legs onto the body.

Step 3: Affix the beetles 6 legs.

The two short legs should be glued to the beetles second segment, while the hind legs are affixed to the beetles body.

Image featuring a hand holding the finger-puppet element and folding the flaps.

Step 4: Turn the beetle over and fold the two flaps of the finger piece and gently bend.

Image featuring a hand glueing the finger-puppet element to the back of the beetles body.

Step 5: Affix the finger piece to the back of the beetle ( White area).

To help secure the finger piece to the beetle, pop a paint brush or pencil inside to apply pressure on the two affixed flaps.

Once secure, the beetle should now have a good sized finger hole.

Image showing hands affixing the first pair of wings to the beetles body.

Step 6: Apply glue to the straight edges on the wings and affix just below the beetles second segment (after its head) as shown above.

These wings are the beetles ‘thin wings’ and should be position in such a way that reveals the body underneath. Arty Crafty Kids should also be able to gently lift the wings.

Image showing a pair of hands glueing the shell parts to the beetles body.

Step 7: Fold the flaps on the shelled wings (elytra). Apply a generous spread of glue and affix to the top of the thin wings underneath.

To enhance the 3D effect and create the illusion of flight, gently left the wings away from the body.

Immerse your kids' into the wonderful world of insects with our 3D Paper Beetle Bug Craft! Spring has arrived and so have all the creepy crawlies. This 3D bug Craft is the perfect way to bring the natural world to life in your very own home or classroom.

The 3D Paper Beetle Bug craft is ready to soar into the sky for a bug-sized adventure.

For more fun with insects, perhaps your Arty Crafty Kids would like to explore our collections of 3D butterfly and mixed-bug coloring pages!

Immerse your kids' into the wonderful world of insects with our 3D Paper Beetle Bug Craft! Spring has arrived and so have all the creepy crawlies. This 3D bug Craft is the perfect way to bring the natural world to life in your very own home or classroom.

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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