3D Bobble Head Panda Craft for Kids to Make

Arty Crafty Kids | Paper 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make, with a printable panda template.

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We have a new creation to add to our growing collection of bobble head paper crafts for the kids to make; The 3D Bobble Head Panda Craft

Inspired by our popular 3D Polar Bear, this Panda’s head will wobble and spring, with a personality that pops from the page.

This interactive paper craft is super fun to make and comes with a printable template of simple shapes to encourage Arty Crafty Kids to practice their cutting and tracing skills.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Bobble Head Panda Craft for Kids to make. A fun and engaging paper craft for kids with a printable panda template #artycraftykids

The interesting backdrop adds an arty element to the craft; introducing kids to the idea of painting without a paint brush to create different effects.

Bobble Head Panda Craft: Materials

2 Sheets of White Card Stock
Green & Yellow Paint
2 Shades of Green Paper
Scrap Cardboard
1 Sheet of Black Paper
Black Pen (or crayon/pencil)
Scissors & Paper Cutter (optional)
Glue Stick

Printable 3D Bobble Head Panda Template:

The Bobble Head Panda Template is exclusively available to Arty Crafty Kids Club members.

Join the Arty Crafty Kids club to download the templates and access our complete collection of Art & Craft templates, Colouring Pages, How to Draw Guides, Activity Booklets and much more!

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How to Create a 3D Bobble Head Panda:

First, let’s create the bamboo backdrop!

Arty Crafty Kids | Create a bamboo effect using the scrape painting technique. A fun art idea for kids to try.

Step 1:

Using a sheet of white cardstock, add three small dots of paint (green, yellow, green) to the top of the page. Add three, maybe four spaced out separate paint sequences.

Take a piece of scrap cardboard and begin scraping the paint towards the bottom of the page.

The paint could be scraped in one swift motion.

To create a bamboo effect, scrape the paint in the segments.

Arty Crafty Kids | Create a bamboo effect using the scrape painting technique. A fun art idea for kids to try.

Step 2:

To create the segments, scrape the paint in a downward motion and stop at a desired length.

At the stop point, without lifting the card, move it side to side to create a line. Once the line has been formed, continue scraping in downward motion.

Continue this process until the paint has reached the bottom of the page.

Arty Crafty Kids | Create a bamboo effect using the scrape painting technique. A fun art idea for kids to try.

Step 3:

Once the paint has reached the bottom of the page, it should begin to look a little like bamboo.

Add additional paint to create criss-crossing lines.

Arty Crafty Kids | Create a bamboo effect using the scrape painting technique. A fun art idea for kids to try.

Step 4:

Using two shades of green paper, cut out lots of narrow leaf like shapes.

Stick the paper leaves to the lines of bamboo.

This simple ‘bamboo effect’ process has been adapted from an excellent tutorial I stumbled across on Instagram.

Let’s assemble the Panda!

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 1:

Download and print the Panda Template from the Arty Crafty Kids members area.

Remember to use card less than 160 gsm in weight. Refer to your printer settings for further information.

Using a black pen (or paint), colour in the lower leg areas.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 2:

Cut out the Panda elements.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 3:

Stick the large body element to the bamboo backdrop.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 4:

Using scissors or a paper cutter, cut out three even strips of black paper – ideally, the strips will be fairly wide and for length, I recommend cutting the paper from the shortest side of an A4 piece of paper.

Cut one strip of black paper in half.

Fold the two halves around to create two tubes.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 5:

Position the paper tubes as shown above and secure with glue.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 6:

Position the second body element on top of the paper tubes and secure with glue.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 7: Creating the accordion fold.

Take the two strips and position them in a 90° angle as shown above. Glue the connecting papers together.

Fold the bottom strip over the top and crease the fold along the edge. This will make the accordion fold tight!

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 8:

Continue this process until all the is paper has been folded.

Seal the ends with glue.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 9:

Attach one end of the accordion fold to the Panda’s body.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Panda Craft for Kids to make. Download the printable panda template to get started!

Step 10:

Glue the panda’s head on top of the accordion fold.

Complete the panda by attaching its ears.

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Bobble Head Panda Craft for Kids to make. A fun and engaging paper craft for kids with a printable panda template #artycraftykids

The panda’s head will now bobble and spring when Arty Crafty Kids press down on the Panda’s head.

Arty Crafty Kids Club

Creative and playful Art & Craft Templates

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Colouring Pages & Seasonal Activity Booklets

Perfect for Educators and Parents, with new content added weekly!

I hope your Arty Crafty Kids enjoy creating their 3D Bobble Head Panda’s!

For more Paper Crafts for Kids to make, take a look at these interactive bobblepopular posts:

3D Paper Spring Flower Craft

3D Paper Polar Bear Craft

3D Paper Lamb Craft

Happy Crafting !

Arty Crafty Kids | 3D Bobble Head Panda Craft for Kids to make. A fun and engaging paper craft for kids with a printable panda template #artycraftykids

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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