Pop-Up Owl Coloring Craft

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Explore the world of woodland-inspired arts and crafts this fall with an easy-to-make Pop-up Owl Coloring Craft – an adorable 3D coloring project suitable for kids of all ages!

Coloring crafts offer a wonderful choice when your creative little ones are looking for a clean, adaptable activity that can be done virtually anywhere!

They are particularly beneficial for those peaceful and calming moments, whether it be in the classroom or within the comfort of your home.

Completed woodland inspired Pop-Up Owl Coloring Craft, resting amongst a collection of Autumn leaves.

All you need to complete this craft is the owl coloring page, a pair of scissor, glue and of course a favorite coloring medium!

And if you love our pop-up owl, take a look at our woodland pop-up fox!

The Owl Coloring Craft Collection

Collection of 3 Owl coloring crafts for kids to make.

Our pop-up owl completes a craft series that includes a cute owl with folding wings and a rocking owl craft.

How to Make the Pop-Up Owl Coloring Craft

Materials you will need: 

Image featuring the pop-up owl coloring craft template and materials, including pens, a pair of scissors and a glue stick.
  • White Cardstock or Paper for Printing
  • A Coloring Medium 
  • Scissors 
  • Glue Stick
  • Pop-up Owl Template (members will need to login to access the template)

Watch the Step-by-Step Tutorial:

Let’s Color the Pop-up Owl!

Image of a hand coloring in the owl coloring craft template.

Step 1: Creatively color in the pop-up owl craft template. 

Kids can use a variety of coloring mediums such as crayons, markers, colored pencils, and watercolors to creatively fill in the woodland backdrop and fox. 

The woodland-themed owl design encourages children to hone their coloring skills, whether they are perfecting their fine motor skills and pencil grip or experimenting with color blending.

Image featuring cut out elements of the owl coloring craft.

Step 2: Carefully cut out the template elements. 

Cut out the white space that separates the grassy tabs.

Image of a hand folding the grassy tabs to later enable the pop-up feature of the craft.

Step 3: Fold the grassy tabs towards the tree backdrop. 

Use the sold black line between the woodland scene and grassy area for guidance.

Image of a hand folding the grassy tabs to later enable the pop-up feature of the craft.
Image of a hand spreading glue along one of the flat tab edges.

Step 4: Apply a spread of glue to grassy tab edge.

Image of a hand folding the tabs to join. The woodland backdrop area has popped up.

Step 5: Gently fold the tabs round to join.

This simple fold will encourage the woodland area to pop into a 3D backdrop for the roosting owl.

Image of a hand folding the paper support system.

Step 6: Fold the owl’s pop-up support piece into a rectangular prism.

Fold along each of the black lines and apply glue to the adjoining tabs to create the prism shape.

Image of a hand securing the pop-up owl to the grassy area of the woodland scene - completing the craft!

Step 7: Affix the tree to the grassy area to complete the woodland scene.

The top of the tree may lean against the backdrop – this is part of the design!

Completed woodland inspired Pop-Up Owl Coloring Craft, resting amongst a collection of greenery.

The adorable Pop-Up Owl Coloring Craft is complete – how will your Arty Crafty Kids color theirs?

More 3D Coloring Crafts for Kids to Make

We love coloring pages with a difference – combing them with crafty elements to add an extra special dynamic to the overall creative process.

Children not only benefit from developing their coloring skills through color, shading and blending techniques but also gain hands-on experience with simple 3D shapes.

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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