Flower Coloring Pages – 30 Flower Coloring Sheets

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Today we’re all about the flower power and have a beautiful mix of 30 Flower Coloring Pages to share with you. With such variety of different flowers in the world, it was tricky choosing just 30 to feature in our collection of flower coloring sheets.

Flowers present in all different shapes, sizes and colors, and are teachers of geometry and symmetry. Whether it’s a Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter bloom, flowers can brighten up any border or flower bed with an incredible array of color and character. They are the perfect subject for coloring and art.

Flowers really are the perfect canvas for blending different shades of colors. For example, take a look at Hydrangea flowers – they’re often pink, purple or blue with a lighter shade on the outside of the petal and are progressively darker towards the middle. Interestingly, you can influence the color of a the hydrangea flower depending on the acidity of the soil it is growing in!

Flower Coloring for Kids

Not only do flowers make a beautiful art subject to color in and admire, but they really are great fun to learn about! These pages may support discussions about the life cycle of a plant, how they grow and thrive using photosynthesis, or form part of an identification game – can any of the featured flowers be found in their garden?

Once your children have colored in their fantastic flowers, and they have all been arranged in to a wonderful flower display, why not think about learning about how to draw their own flowers!?

5 Free Flower Coloring Pages

Let’s explore our virtual garden 5 free flower coloring pages. Simply click on the image or link provided to download the flower coloring sheet. These form part of the Fantastic Flower coloring book, so why not join the membership area and enjoy the full collection, along with all of our other coloring books and art & craft resources.

FREE Dandelion Clock Coloring Page

Did you know that when you blow a dandelion’s seeds, they can travel as far as 5 miles away on the wind!?

FREE Rose Coloring Page

Did you know that roses are the oldest known flower? Currently, the oldest living rose is The Rose of Hildesheim, over 1000 years old!

Learn how to draw a rose with our step by step tutorial!

FREE Orchid Flower Coloring Page

Did you know that we wouldn’t have vanilla ice cream if it wasn’t for orchids!? The Vanilla Orchid is where we get the vanilla bean pods from to make the classic, yummy vanilla flavor.

FREE Daffodil Coloring Page

Did you know there are at least 25 different daffodil species, and over 13,000 hybrids!? Think of all the beautiful colors these daffodils could be!

FREE Daisy in the Grass Coloring Page

Did you know that dasies are part of the same family as sunflowers? Daisies and sunflowers are cousins!

Flower Coloring Book – Featuring 30 Exclusive Flower Coloring Sheets

Our flower coloring pages are hand drawn and designed with children in mind. We use simple shapes and flowing lines to make these coloring sheets appealing and easy for young children. We also surround our flowers with lots of white space encourage and inspire your children’s creativity! These printable pages can be used as simple coloring sheets or turned into full blown art project that explores the color palettes found in nature.

Coloring pages are the perfect way to encourage mindfulness and can help create a positive working environment in the classroom. Just a few quiet moments engaged in these flower coloring pages can help focus the mind before moving on to the next task.

Simple Flower Coloring Pages

Sunflower Coloring Page

The cheery sun is helping this lovely sunflower grow with it’s bright rays of light! Sunflowers can grow so tall. I always think it looks like they are stretching up to the sky to meet the sun.

Sunflower coloring page

Hanging Basket Coloring Page

This lovely hanging basket is overflowing with beautiful big flowers! How many colors can you fill this basket with?

Hanging Basket coloring page

Hyacinth Coloring Page

Your pencils will certainly need sharpening for this pretty hyacinth coloring page. It will take time to fill each of the little flowers that form the hyacinth, but it will most certainly be time well spent.

Hyacinth flower coloring page

Tulips Coloring Page

Have you ever seen a whole field full of tulips!? It’s a most beautiful sight! The tulip is the national flower of the Netherlands, check out the stunning tulip fields that cover their countryside.

Learn how to draw a bouquet of tulips with our step by step tutorial.

Tulips coloring page

Little Violets Coloring Page

These normally little flowers are over-sized in this lovely coloring page to allow for color play. It’s the perfect coloring page for pencil pastels.

Little Flowers Coloring Page

Calla Lily Coloring Page

The word “calla” is actually the greek word for ‘beautiful’ and these lilies were named for how stunning they look when they bloom!

Calla Lily Coloring Page

Whimsical Rose Coloring Page

Roses are a truly classic beautiful flower. They come in so many different colors, including pink, red, yellow, white, blue and you can even find dyed rainbow roses!

Whimsical Rose coloring page

Trio of Flower Pots Coloring Page

This trio of happy flowers are standing tall towards the sun! Will you decide to decorate their flower pots in matching colors or will they all have a different, fun design?

Trio of Flower Pots coloring page

Spotty Flower Pot Coloring Page

This spotty, dotty flower pot looks very cute, with a big bush of flowers growing out of it. Will all of these little flowers be the same color or will every petal be different?

Spotty Flower Pot coloring page

Basket of Flowers Coloring Page

Butterflies are visiting this lovely basket of flowers. Tempted by the aroma of these flowers, these butterflies are likely to be stopping by a taste of nectar. This might be a good starting point to learn about why butterflies drink nectar from flowers and how it helps the pollination process.

Basket of Flowers coloring page

Poppy Flower Coloring Page

Poppies are such beautiful, bold flowers that represent remembrance for fallen soldiers. Typically poppies are red, but did you know they can also be purple, orange, pink, yellow or white?

Learn how to draw a poppy with our step by step tutorial.

Poppy coloring page

Dahlia Coloring Page

This delightful dahlia flower is waiting to be filled with color! Dahlia flowers can be found in every color under the sun except blue. Interestingly, the thick hollow stalk used to be cultivated as a food source!

Dahlia coloring page

House Plant Coloring Page

It has been said that caring for house plants can bring positive moods and reduce stress levels. My house is filled with different wonderful house plants and they all have their own names! What would you name this house plant?

House Plant coloring page

Lily Flower Coloring Page

Lilies bloom in such a wonderful way and they have the most beautiful smell. They can also have some very unique markings, sometimes called freckles! Tiger lilies are especially interesting!

Lily Flower coloring page

Flowers in the Stars Coloring Page

Do you love flowers so much you see them everywhere, even in the stars? Me too! Amazingly, there are some flowers out there that even look like stars, check these out!

Flowers in the Stars coloring page

Butterflies and the Daisy Coloring Page

These butterflies look very happy visiting this big, beautiful daisy! Are they stopping for a rest, or to admire these lovely petals?

Butterflies and the Daisy Coloring Page

Bees and the Water Lily Coloring Page

Bees are one of the most important pollinators on earth, especially for the water lily! Water lilies have a very unique way of ensuring they are pollinated succesfully, involving a sneaky trick with a water trap at the centre of the flower. If you’re looking to teach children about unique pollination methods you should definitely check this flower out!

Bees and the Water Lily Coloring Page

How to Download the Flower Coloring Book

I hope you’ve enjoyed having a stroll through our virtual garden centre full of fantastic flower coloring pages! The full collection (including many more amazing and unique flowers) can be downloaded instantly from the Arty Crafty Kids members area: https://www.artycraftykids.com/product/30-page-flower-coloring-book/

Members will need to log in to access the templates!

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30 Flower Coloring Pages featuring tulips, roses, daises, sunflowers, lilies and more! The very best collection of flower coloring sheets for kids and coloring enthusiasts.

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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