Nature Hedgehog Craft

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Natures changing colors and textures always inspire our creativity. So if you’re looking for a lovely, easy craft to help little ones welcome the changing season, this nature hedgehog craft is for you.

It’s perfect for pre-schoolers and school early years as it’s nice and simple, but with a really effective end result. And as well as the craft itself, it also incorporates a nature search, a really fun and interactive way for children to get outside and into nature, and discover how they can transform what they’ve found into art.

Natures changing colors and textures always inspire our creativity. So if you're looking for a lovely, easy fall craft to help little ones welcome the changing season, this nature hedgehog craft is for you.

Let’s Make a Nature Hedgehog Craft:


Glue Stick
Autumn Shades of Paper
Natural Materials
Googly Eye
Black Pom-Pom

Natures changing colors and textures always inspire our creativity. So if you're looking for a lovely, easy fall craft to help little ones welcome the changing season, this nature hedgehog craft is for you.

Gather Supplies

The first step is to get outdoors! Scavenge for small items that would make a great, textured hedgehog – we think sycamore helicopter seeds make good feet and conkers give depth to the body, but whatever you find will be perfect. And if you have some whole peanuts and pumpkin seeds in the kitchen, cupboard, they work brilliantly too.

Draw a Horizontal Raindrop Shape

Draw a Horizontal Raindrop Shape

Now we’re going to create the hedgehogs body. On some light colored card, draw a large raindrop shape.

Secure the shape to a piece of green backing card.

Secure to Backing Card

Then stick the body onto some bright green card. Make sure you position the raindrop on its side – the point will be the hedgehogs nose.

Cut out Paper Leaf Shapes

Cut out Leaf Shapes

Then cut out a handful of little leaf shapes from autumnal colored card: red, orange and yellow.

Create Feet out of Nature Pieces.

Create Feet

It’s time to bring the hedgehog to life! Starting with his feet, fold the sycamore seeds in half and stick one at the front of the body, and one at the back.

Fill the Body with Nature Pieces

Add Nature Elements

Then build up the body. You can do this however you like – just remember you’re looking for a natural-looking hedgehog with great texture and depth. So don’t just stick a few things to the card, really layer up your leaves, nuts, conkers, seeds and anything else you’ve found.

Complete the Nature Hedgehog Craft with an eye and pom-pom nose.

Complete the Nature Hedgehog Craft

Finish your hedgehog with a googly eye and a fluffy pom pom nose, and don’t forget to draw on a smile.

Natures changing colors and textures always inspire our creativity. So if you're looking for a lovely, easy fall craft to help little ones welcome the changing season, this nature hedgehog craft is for you.

Your adorable nature hedgehog is complete. He looks like he’s snuffled right out of the autumn woods!

Don’t forget to share anything you make with us on social media, we love seeing your amazing crafts!

More Easy Fall Animal Crafts for Kids:

Paper Roll Fox Craft

Make this adorable Toilet Paper Roll Fox Craft with the kids today with materials you’re likely to already have in the recycling bin and craft box.

Fork Painted Hedgehog Craft

Fork Painted Hedgehog Art Project for kids with an Autumnal twist! This easy and fun fall craft is perfect for kids at home or school.

Yarn Wrapped Owl Craft:

This yarn wrapped owl craft reuses scrap materials and is a fantastic fine motor activity for children from preschool age to kindergarten and early years.

Happy Crafting!

Natures changing colors and textures always inspire our creativity. So if you're looking for a lovely, easy fall craft to help little ones welcome the changing season, this nature hedgehog craft is for you.

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