Winter Bird and Birch Tree Painting

Winter Bird and Birch Tree Painting for Kids. An easy art idea for kids of all ages.

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This Winter Bird and Birch Tree Painting is a perfect blend of art and craft for Arty Crafty Kids!

In this art project, kids will learn how to use simple painting techniques to create colorful birds and realistic birch trees.

Complete with bird and birch tree templates, the simplicity of this Wintry art idea makes it suitable for kids of all ages, which is great if you’re looking for an afternoon project to do with your kids at home or are looking for a do-able art lesson within the classroom.

Older kids go a step further and learn how to draw their own birds and birch trees.

The Scrape Painting Technique

Our birds are painted using the scrape painting technique, which is a fun and creative art process that involved spreading vibrant colors across paper using a scraping tool.

To begin, children can apply different shades of paint onto a canvas or paper using brushes or squeeze bottles.

Once the surface is covered, they can use tools like old credit cards, plastic combs, or even their fingers to gently scrape and reveal the layers of colors underneath.

This hands-on process not only allows for playful exploration but also results in unique and visually interesting artworks that celebrate each child’s individual style and imagination.

How to Make the Winter Bird and Birch Tree Painting


  • White Card Stock for Printing
  • Acrylic Paint (non-toxic)
  • Flat Tipped Paintbrush 
  • Scrap Card Stock for Scrape Painting
  • Acrylic White Marker Pen or Black Sharpie
  • Paper Straw
  • Scissors 
  • Glue Stick
  • Bird and Birch Tree Templates (members will need to login to access the templates)

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Written Step-by-Step for the Winter Bird and Birch Tree Painting Tutorial

Image of the bird template and a hand cutting a piece of card stock into small parts.

Step 1: Prepare the work space.

Find an old piece of scrap card stock and cut it into lots of smaller pieces – enough for one or two pieces of card per color.

Image of a hand applying paint to the a piece of card stock.

Step 2: Paint the birds.

Dip a piece of card into some paint.

Image of a hand scraping the paint across the tail element of the bird. The Bod and wing is already painted in vibrant colors.

Next, scrape the paint across the bird elements.

Image of a hand scraping the paint across the tail element of the bird. The Bod and wing is already painted in vibrant colors.

The scraping process thins the spread of paint to create a translucent effect, which is great for layering!

Fill all the parts of the bird with paint, using different colors and layering to create a fun, abstract appearance.

Once all the birds are painted , leave the birds to dry and move onto painting the birch tree.

Image of a hand painting the space around the birch tree in two shades of blue.

Step 3: Paint the Winter sky.

Using a paintbrush, blend two shades of blue to create a beautiful Wintry sky around the white space of (what will become) the birch tree.

Image of a hand showing a piece of card stock with one edge covered in black paint.

Step 4: Painting the Winter Birch Tree

Dip the straight edge of a piece of card stock into some black paint.

The birch tree is painted with the black edged card stock - adding simple black lines to its body.

Next, position the painted black edge of the card directly onto the birch tree and move it back and forth in a straight line.

Image of a hand painting more black lines onto the birch tree branch.

Add a little scrape to extend the black area and to enhance the effect of the birch tree.

Fold a piece of card stock in half and repeat the process to paint little black lines onto the birch tree branch.

Image of a hand painting white dots to the blue area of the painting to create Wintry snowfall.

Step 5: Paint some snowfall.

Dip a paintbrush into some white paint and fill the blue space surrounding the painted birch tree with white dots.

Image of a hand drawing feathery detailing onto the painted bird pieces.

Step 6: Draw feathery detailing onto the birds.

Use a white acrylic marker pen or a black sharpie to add some feathery detailing to the wings and body of the bird.

This can be little rainbow arches or simple white dotted lines. This detailing adds a folk art quality to the artwork.

Image of a hand holding up two assembled Winter birds.

Step 7: Assemble the birds.

Once the bird pieces are decorated, carefully cut out them out and assemble with glue.

Image of a hand glueing a piece of straw to the back of one of the birds.

Step 8: Create a small 3D effect.

To add a sense of dimension to the Winter Bird and Birch Tree Painting, cut off a piece of paper straw and affix it with glue to the back of one of the birds.

Image of a hand glueing a bird onto the branch of the birch tree.

Step 9: Glue the birds to the birch tree painting.

Apply a generous spread of glue onto the straw and then secure the bird onto the birch tree branch.

Completed Winter Bird and Birch Tree Painting - the birds are painted in vibrant colors and a glued to the branches and bark of the painted birch tree.

And then glue the second bird directly onto the birch tree to complete the painting!

We love to experiment with different ways to paint. If you love this art project, then you will be sure to enjoy our Winter Tree art idea and our sponge painted Snowy Owl Winter Craft!

Our Bird Silhouette Painting is also a big hit with the kids!

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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