Mondrian Heart Art for Kids

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun Mondrian inspired art idea for kids.

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This Mondrian Heart Art Project for kids has been designed to suit children of all ages; from a simple colour and stick project for preschoolers, to designing Mondrian inspired art; along with hints and tips for taking the project a step further with geometric and colour play.

Supported by our collection of pre-made Mondrian Templates, this is a great project for teachers to incorporate into art lesson plans. Similarly, they can be downloaded for homeschooling parents or parents looking for a creative art project to try with their children.

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

Piet Mondrian – Who is he?

Piet Mondrian (1872 – 1944), a dutch artist, is widely considered one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. Influenced by the cubist movement, he gradually ” changed his artistic direction from figurative painting to an increasingly abstract style, until he reached a point where his artistic vocabulary was reduced to simple geometric elements” – source

Mondrian is best known for his abstract piece: Composition with Large Red Plane, Yellow, Black, Gray, and Blue (1921).

In its creation, Piet Mondrian did not use a ruler to draw his lines. He was guided by a natural flow and carefully considered each and every line to create a composition of squares and rectangles.

His preferred palette consisted of black, grey, white and the primary colours, red, yellow and blue.

What is Abstract Art?

“Every true artist has been inspired more by the beauty of lines and color and the relationships between them than by the concrete subject of the picture.” (Piet Mondrian)

Abstract Art does not attempt to depict a recognisable object, person or scenery. Instead, shapes, lines and colour are used to create a visual representation of feeling.

Mondrian, and the artists of De Stijl, advocated pure abstraction and a pared down palette in order to express a utopian ideal of universal harmony in all of the arts. By using basic forms and colors, Mondrian believed that his vision of modern art would transcend divisions in culture and become a new common language based in the pure primary colors, flatness of forms, and dynamic tension in his canvases.
Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids – Who is it for?

This Mondrian Art project with a Valentine’s twist has been designed to accommodate children from preschool and kindergarten age, to EYFS (early years foundation stage) and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade, making this art project perfectly adaptable to suit any Mondrian Art Project.

Children have the option to design their own Mondrian heart OR complete any one of our 6 pre-made templates (3 hearts and a further 3 framed heart designs).

This makes the art project easy and achievable to even smallest of artists, who will enjoy the process cutting and playing with colours and shapes.

Mondrian for EYFS & 1st, 2nd Grade

Younger children may begin to draw the lines themselves, either with a ruler or without.

Either way, the objective of the art project is to encourage children to carefully consider how they fill the white space with geometric shapes. This is a process that will naturally occur as the children engage with the project.

Mondrian for 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade and Beyond

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

Take the Mondrian art project a step or more further. The geometric shapes could be filled with doodles or hand drawn patterns; making the project truly unique!

Another idea would be to use the hearts within a colour study; each student completing their piece with their preferred palette or using their hearts to explore colour creation and combinations.

How to Make Mondrian Heart Art:

Watch the Video:

What you need:

White Cardstock
Paint – Primary Colours and Black & White
Black Cardstock
Glue Stick

Downloading the Mondrian Heart Art Templates:

The Mondrian heart templates can be downloaded individually or as a complete ‘Mondrian Heart Bundle’.

Members of the Arty Crafty Kids clubs will need to LOG IN to access the templates:

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Mondrian Heart Art printable templates.

Let’s get Started!

This step-by-step Mondrian Heart Art Project makes use of the blank heart template.

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

Create Some Lines and Shapes

Step 1: Use a pencil to create squares and rectangles within the heart. In this example we drew one vertical line down the centre of the heart.

From the first line, we proceeded to add a number of horizontal lines and then further vertical lines to create extra shapes within the heart.

Don’t worry if the lines are not straight, wonky lines will only add to the character of the project!

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

What’s the Focal Point?

Step 2: Mondrian centred his – Composition with Large Red Plane, Yellow, Black, Grey, and Blue (1921) – around one focus colour, red.

To get into the spirit of ‘Mondrian’ art, ask your arty crafty kids to choose a focus point. This could be a particular colour or space.

Once this has been decided, begin adding colours to the heart. Throughout the process, keep an awareness of the focal area and aim to build the art around the focus point.

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

Fill the Heart with Colour

Step 3: Continue filling the heart until it the heart feels complete.

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

Define the Lines

Step 4: Once the Mondrian heart has dried, the pencil lines can be defined in two ways: traced with a black marker pen
OR covered with strips of black paper.

In this example, we’ve used finely cut paper strips.

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

Step 5: Define the lines with paper or black marker pen.

Cut the paper to size and secure the paper with glue. This is great scissor practice for little hands!

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.
Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

Cut out the Heart

Step 6: Once the paper has dried, cut out the heart!

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

Glue to Backing Card

Step 7: Secure the Mondrian heart to a piece of black paper or card and cut out, leaving a small border around the heart. This will frame the finished piece!

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

More Easy Art Projects for Kids:

If you’re looking for more easy art ideas for kids, take a look at these popular ideas. Each project can be used with our art templates found within the Arty Crafty Kids club.

Picasso Faces – Easy Art for Kids

This art project has been designed to make drawing cubist Picasso faces easy for kids, with printable drawing guides and templates to encourage all children of any age or ability to have a go at creating their own Picasso styled portrait.

Kandinsky Hearts

Our Kandinsky Inspired Heart Art is all about exploring colour-mixing, playing with light and shade, and can be a great introduction to Abstract Art for your Ary Crafty Kids.

All About Me – Drawing Prompts for Kids

The All About Me book is filled with fun drawing activities for kids that focuses on emotions, self image, drawing facial features, clothing design and crazy hair play.

Happy Crafting!

Mondrian Heart Art for Kids - A fun and easy Mondrian Art Project with printable heart templates.

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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