Handprint Fathers Day Art

Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Hanprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

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Father’s day is on the horizon and today I’m excited to share a fun and very simple Handprint Fathers Day Art idea, that would look great framed as a stand-alone representation of dad in handprints or as part of your Arty Crafty Kids homemade card.

Either way, this cute idea will leave Dad weak at the knees and your little ones will enjoy the process of transforming their handprints into an image of their much dad, which is great for encouraging creative and ‘out of the box’ thought processes.

If they can turn their prints into a portrait of dad, what else could they create with their hands and fingertips?

Perhaps a handprint sunflower? or even handprint bumble bees (as featured in the Bug Box).

Handprint Fathers Day Art: Materials

Cardstock or Construction Paper
Paint Brush
Black Marker

Handprint Father Day Art: Tutorial 

Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Handprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

Step 1: Paint your child’s palm with flesh toned paint and your child’s fingers with a hair colour paint (refer to the photo)

Press your child’s hand down firmly onto the canvas towards the top, with the fingers in an upwards position.

Help your child gently life their hand off the canvas to avoid smearing the paint.

All the handprint to dry completely.

Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Handprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

Step 2: Repeat the steps above but this time, paint your child’s palm or bright colour, the pink and thumb finger the same bright colour and the middle 3 fingers blue.

Paint the pinky and thumb tip a flesh toned colour (refer to the photo)

Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Handprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

Step 3: Allow the handprint to dry completely.

Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Hanprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

Step 4: Cut a necktie shape from cardstock or construction paper.


Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Handprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

Step 5: Use a black marker to add detail to the neckties.


Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Handprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

Step 6: Glue the neckties onto the handprint.

Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Handprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

Step 7: Draw eyes, eyebrows, a nose and a mouth onto the handprint with a pencil.

Trace the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth with a black marker.

Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Handprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

Step 8. Dip your child’s pinky into pink paint and blot onto the cheeks of the handprint.

Use a thin paintbrush to colour in the eyebrows to match the colour hair.

Your Handprint Father’s Day Art is now complete!

More on Arty Crafty Kids! 

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Arty Crafty Kids | Handprint Art for Kids | Handprint Fathers Day Art #fathersday #fathersdayprojectsforkids #fathersdaycardsforkids #kidsfathersdayart #kidsfathersdaycraft

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