Ghost Reveal Watercolour Resist Kids Art Project

Arty Crafty Kids - Art - Halloween Crafts for Kids - Ghost Reveal Watercolour Resist Kids Art Project

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Ghost Art Project for Kids – Watercolour resist – have your kids tried this fun process yet?

With Halloween just around the corner, our Ghost Reveal Kids Art Project could be a good place to start!

It’s fun, beautiful, exciting and even educational, and can be explored by kids of all ages and abilities.

And while watercolours and toddlers or even preschoolers may not be an obivous mix, it’s one I fully suggest you try.

Kids love water and they love paint; together it’s a dream combination and an exciting medium to explore.

They will naturally explore light and shade through the process of mixing, and train their fine motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination and manual dexterity.

And would you like to know the best bit?

The concept is super simple, super cool and quick n’ easy to set up!

So have you got 5 mintues?

MATERIALS: Ghost Reveal Watercolour Resist Kids Art Project 

This post contains affiliates

Watercolour Paints (US Link / Uk Link)
Oil Pastels ( US Link / UK Link) OR a White Crayon ( US Link / UK Link)
Watercolour Paper ( US Link / UK Link )

Let’s Make It

1. Draw the ghosts

Using a white oil pastel or crayon, draw the design onto the watercolour paper.

2. Paint over the hidden ghosts

Now for the exciting bit!

Arm the kids with watercolour paint and plenty of water and ask them to find the hidden ghosts!

3. Reveal the non-spooky ghosts

As the kids sweep the watercolours across the oil pastel or crayon design, it will begin to ‘magically’ appear.

My kids found this incerdibly exciting!

4. How many ‘ghosts’ can your Arty Crafty Kids find?

Keep going until all the ghosts have been found.

Ask the kids to count the ghosts and then do a roll reversal, encouraging them to draw their own ghosts for you or a sibling/friend to find.

Suddenly this cool kids art project becomes a little game for kids to play.

And if they fancy a change from ghosts, you could also try a spiderweb or write secret messages!

I hope you and kids enjoy this quirky kids art project.

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