Flow Drawing for Kids: Sunshine Lion Art

Use our Flow Drawing technique to create Sunshine Lion Art with the kids this Summer. A fun and unique way to explore color and shape, while learning to draw in a free and mindful space. This project can be completed with our Flow Drawing guide and a completed Sunshine Lion to paint.

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Sunshine Lion Art: Inspired by all the warmth and positivity of summer, it’s a combination that really works – the movement and color of the suns rays complement the lion, enhancing its mane, and bringing it bursting to life.

As always, children are encouraged to play with color combinations, shade and technique to inspire their creativity. The piece is suitable for kids of all ages – the pattern repetition is brilliant for reinforcing fine motor skills in younger children, and older children can really take their time and lose themselves in the process.

Joining the fiery star with the proud king of the jungle creates an impactful work of art that kids will love, and is destined for a frame.

Use our Flow Drawing technique to create Sunshine Lion Art with the kids this Summer. A fun and unique way to explore color and shape, while learning to draw in a free and mindful space. 

This project can be completed with our Flow Drawing guide and a completed Sunshine Lion to paint.

What is Flow Drawing?

Flow Drawing is a new art technique developed by us to encourage children (and adult beginners too!)​ to understand shapes and create illustrations, in a much ‘freer’ way. By removing restrictions, flow drawing encourages children to fully engage in the moment and discover their natural flow, making every line count and bringing mindfulness to their creative process.

You can think of the flow drawing technique as a ‘how to draw’ guide with a difference – children won’t just draw a picture, they’ll create a unique work of art, right from their soul.

Flow Drawing Benefits:

Although the process of flowing more naturally in art might seem a little alien to children at first, it’s really worth encouraging them to have a go. Flow drawing has so many benefits and helps little hands and minds to:

  • Explore simple shapes and how they work together to create larger forms
  • Discover their natural flow and rhythm through repetitive movements
  • Learn how to combine mediums, with a fun and easy approach
  • Build confidence in their own creative ability
  • Combat ‘perfection-seeking’ in art, providing a much needed alternative to rigid ‘how to draw’ guides
  • Bring mindfulness to the creative process and boost mental health
  • Foster a love of art and self-expression.

Flow Drawing for Kids: Sunshine Lion Art for Kids

What you need:

White Card Stock
Oil Pastels or Wax Crayons
Acrylic or watercolor Paints

Download the Sunshine Lion Art Guide: 

The Sunshine Lion Art guide is available to members of the Arty Crafty Kids club. Members will need to log in to access the template:https://www.artycraftykids.com/product/flow-drawing-sunshine-lion-art/

For the first time, we are offering a completed version of our lion to color in with the Free Flow How to Draw guide. This is to give parents, teachers and children greater choice.

This free flow how to draw a sunshine lion guide can be completed with our step-by-step illustrative template or a black & white lion coloring page.

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Let’s Draw and Paint a Sunshine Lion!

First, Watch the Video:

Step by Step How to Draw Guide:

Start by drawing a big circle in the middle of the cardstock. 

Draw a pair of eyebrows that almost meet in the middle and form to make a bridge of a nose.

Draw a Large Circle

If you think of your page split into three equal horizontal sections, start by drawing a large circle roughly in the middle third. The circle needs to be big, but also needs to leave room for the lovely sunny mane that goes around it.

Then begin the face with eyebrows and a nose. Starting on the left hand side towards the top, draw a line across towards the middle and down, almost like a curved number seven. Then do the same on the other side: start towards the top on the right hand side, draw a line in towards the middle and down.

Join the two lines with a diamond shaped nose.

Draw a Diamond Nose

Complete the lion’s nose by drawing a diamond shape connecting the bottom of the two lines.

Draw to large cat eyes beneath each eyebrow.

Add a Smile and Eyes

Under each eyebrow, draw a large oval eye and, since this lion is friendly, give him a big smile coming down from the bottom of his nose.

Use our Flow Drawing technique to create Sunshine Lion Art with the kids this Summer. A fun and unique way to explore color and shape, while learning to draw in a free and mindful space. 

This project can be completed with our Flow Drawing guide and a completed Sunshine Lion to paint.

Begin Drawing the Lions Mane

Draw two small rounded ears at the top of his head.

Then we’re ready to begin the mane! Draw a large petal shape at the bottom of the head by flowing down, out and in to a point; then up, out and back in to the head. Then repeat this large petal shape at the top of the head, and on the left and right sides.

Start with Symmetry

Repeat the same shape, but slightly smaller, inside each petal so they start to look like the flame from a fire.

Fill the White Space with Fiery Shapes

Now start to fill in the gaps with more petal shapes to create a full fiery mane. Once you’ve finished the first layer around the head, create a second layer by filling the gaps in between the first. We want to create lots of depth, so add as many layers as you can fit onto the page.

Let's begin painting the lion. Fill the mane with bright fiery colours - red, yellow, orange.

Let’s Get Colorful

Let’s bring the lion to life! Use your brightest paints and all of your wonderful creativity to color your lion. You can just use shades of red, orange and yellow to really mimic that sunshine feel, or use the whole color palette to create a rainbow sunshine lion – why not?!

Start from Dark to Light and Blend

And don’t forget to really play with your paints and experiment.

Try using a color gradient on the nose to give it depth, or using a lighter shade around the eyes to highlight them and make the pop.

You could even explore using different brush strokes and brushes to create a fur-like texture on the face.

Contrast with Bright Yellow

Throughout the painting process, encourage your Arty Crafty Kids to explore the paint; create texture with layered paint strokes and combine orange, yellow and brown to add depth and definition to the lions face.

Use our Flow Drawing technique to create Sunshine Lion Art with the kids this Summer. A fun and unique way to explore color and shape, while learning to draw in a free and mindful space. 

This project can be completed with our Flow Drawing guide and a completed Sunshine Lion to paint.

Now you have a beautiful sunshine lion that could cheer up even the grayest day. Don’t forget to share your colorful works of art on social media and tag us – it always brings a smile to our face here at Arty Crafty Kids!

More Flow Drawing Art Ideas for Kids:

Let’s Draw and Paint a Llama

Flow Drawing for Kids: How to Draw a Llama

Let’s Draw and Paint a Cat

Flow Drawing for Kids: How to Draw a Cat

Let’s Draw and Paint a Peacock

Flow Drawing for Kids: How to Draw a Peacocks Head

Use our Flow Drawing technique to create Sunshine Lion Art with the kids this Summer. A fun and unique way to explore color and shape, while learning to draw in a free and mindful space. 

This project can be completed with our Flow Drawing guide and a completed Sunshine Lion to paint.

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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