Flow Drawing for Kids: Sun and Moon Art

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Kids and beginners will learn how to create beautiful Sun and Moon Art with our easy ‘how to draw’ technique, flow drawing.

Kids are encouraged to use simple lines and shapes to form their sun and moon, composing a beautiful piece of art that’s really easy to create.

The contrast between night and day, its colors and shapes, make a really interesting art study.

Children are encouraged to notice the difference between warm and cool colors, shades and tones, as well as play with texture and shape.

And this creates a great opportunity to discuss with children how art makes them feel – do they think certain patterns match certain colors, and how do those colors or patterns make them feel, ie. do the purple swirls make them feel sleepy, do the red zigzags make them feel excited?

These kinds of chats can really help to open up children’s self-expression and emotional awareness.

Art is about feeling, and the process of drawing and painting this moon and sun art, will open up learning experiences and meaningful discussion.

Sun and Moon Art for Kids: Learn to to create beautiful Sun and Moon art. I fun and dynamic art project for kids. 

Children are encouraged to notice the difference between warm and cool colors, shades and tones, as well as play with texture and shape. And this creates a great opportunity to discuss with children how art makes them feel - do they think certain patterns match certain colors, and how do those colors or patterns make them feel

Our celestrial art project also encourages children to expand their creativity with doodles, as they layer them over the paint – can they think of a different doodle for every single color?

Doodling also has great benefits for mental health, so if kids are feeling fidgety or irritable, this is a great activity to get out some of those emotions and restore calm.

If you’re trying this piece from scratch, it’s more suitable for older children, but if you download the pre-drawn template, younger children can also have fun doodling and painting, without having to worry about creating some of the trickier core shapes.

Opening up opportunities to play with paint, explore color and let themselves go with doodles, children will get a lot out of our easy sun and moon drawing tutorial.

What is Flow Drawing?

Flow Drawing is a new art technique developed by us to encourage children (and adult beginners too!)​ to understand shapes and create illustrations, in a much ‘freer’ way.

By removing restrictions, flow drawing encourages children to fully engage in the moment and discover their natural flow, making every line count and bringing mindfulness to their creative process.

You can think of the flow drawing technique as a ‘how to draw’ guide with a difference – children won’t just draw a picture, they’ll create a unique work of art, right from their soul.

Sun and Moon Art: Kids and beginners will learn how to create beautiful Sun and Moon Art with our easy 'how to draw' technique, flow drawing. Kids are encouraged to use simple lines and shapes to form their sun and moon, composing a beautiful piece of sun and moon art that's really easy to create.

Flow Drawing Benefits:

Although the process of flowing more naturally in art might seem a little alien to children at first, it’s really worth encouraging them to have a go. Flow drawing has so many benefits and helps little hands and minds to:

  • Explore simple shapes and how they work together to create larger forms
  • Discover their natural flow and rhythm through repetitive movements
  • Learn how to combine mediums, with a fun and easy approach
  • Build confidence in their own creative ability
  • Combat ‘perfection-seeking’ in art, providing a much needed alternative to rigid ‘how to draw’ guides
  • Bring mindfulness to the creative process and boost mental health
  • Foster a love of art and self-expression.

Watch the Video:

How to Draw Sun and Moon Art:


White Cardstock
Acrylic Paint
Marker Pens
Black Crayon or Black Oil Pastel

Download the Sun and Moon Drawing Guide & Template:

The templates are available to members of the Arty Crafty Kids club. Members will need to log in to access the templates: https://www.artycraftykids.com/product/sun-and-moon-art/

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Let’s Create Sun and Moon Art!

Start with a central circle in the middle of the page.

Start with a Central Circle

Start off by drawing a large circle in the middle of your page. Freehand circles can be tricky to draw, so remember: this is flow drawing! You don’t have to create a perfect circle on your first try; instead, flow loosely around and around until you create a shape you’re happy with.

Next, divide the circle to create two distinct faces - sun and moon.

Divide the Circle

This circle will house both our sun and moon, so we need to split it in half with a curved line – but we’re going to give the moon a bit of personality with a nose!

So, starting at the top of the circle, flow down in a crescent to the middle of the circle and draw out to the right and back to the left, like two sides of a triangle, to make the moon’s nose. Then, starting beneath the nose, flow to the bottom of the circle in a curved line, completing your crescent.

Define the faces by adding a nose to the moon divide.

Define the Sun and Moon Faces

Now give the sun and moon some facial features – we like to make the moon sleepy with a closed eye, and make the sun awake with a bright, wide eye. Then add a smile, and what about some rosy cheeks too?

As you draw their faces, think about which features are individual, and which are shared. We think there’s almost a Picasso quality to creating two faces in one, which are both united and distinct at the same time – if you’ve not heard of Picasso before, why not look him and be inspired!

Frame the sun and moon with a large oval.

Draw a Surrounding Oval

Now frame your sun and moon by drawing a large oval around it, stretching right out to the edges of your page. Does it remind you of anything? We see a big eye – with the sun and moon as the pupil – that watches over us, night and day.

Add detail within the oval. Draw painted rays for the sunny side and curves for the moon.

Fill the Oval with Detail

Now add detail inside the oval. We’ve drawn pointed rays all around the sun, and curves around the moon, that complement its gentle crescent – but you can use your imagination and create any shapes you like.

Let's apply acrylic paint. Apply the paint directly without watering the brush.

Play with Paint

Since we’re going to be doodling on top of the paint, we want to create a nice solid base layer, so start with a dry brush to add the paint.

Layer shades of blue and purple. along the outer curve of the moon.

You can create a gradient with shades of one color, or mix colors within your cool or warm palette; just make sure you continue with that bold application as you fill in the shapes.

Blend the colours by applying water across the paint.

Add a Wet Layer

Then start to introduce water to blend the colors and create depth. You can really play with the paint and have fun!

Use cool colours for the moon and warm for the sun.

Use your cool colors for the moon, and warm ones for the sun, and play with contrast as you build your picture.

Leave the sun and moon art to draw. Once dry, add detail by doodling on top of the paint.

Let’s Doodle

Once everything is dry, it’s time to doodle! Ideally, you should use marker pens (fine tipped chalk or acrylic are perfect!) so that you can get some definition and detail into your doodles.

Then just go for it and have fun! Create as many different shapes and patterns as you can, and lose yourself in the creative flow of doodling.

Sun and Moon Art: Kids and beginners will learn how to create beautiful Sun and Moon Art with our easy 'how to draw' technique, flow drawing. Kids are encouraged to use simple lines and shapes to form their sun and moon, composing a beautiful piece of sun and moon art that's really easy to create.

When your oval is filled with vibrancy and pattern, your sun and moon art is complete! And we definitely think this is one piece of art that’s earned its place in a frame. Hang it pride of place, and don’t forget to send us a picture on social media, we can’t wait to see your creations!

More Flow Art for Kids

How to Draw and Paint a Cat:

Cats have a great aesthetic, with sleek lines and a range of patterns, and they have bags of personality too (I know mine does!) So they’re a brilliant animal to explore through art. 


How to Draw and Paint a Llama:

Not only is the llama totally different to our other flow drawing designs, but it’s overflowing with ways to inspire children and help them bring personality and creativity to their art.


How to Draw and Paint an Owl:

When we give children Autumnal activities, sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the typical colors of changing leaves and not give them enough space to flex their creativity. So with this How to Draw an Owl Flow Drawing guide, we’ve focused on that all-important self-expression, giving tips on how to use bold color, paint and brush techniques.


Happy Crafting!

Sun and Moon Art: Kids and beginners will learn how to create beautiful Sun and Moon Art with our easy 'how to draw' technique, flow drawing. Kids are encouraged to use simple lines and shapes to form their sun and moon, composing a beautiful piece of sun and moon art that's really easy to create.

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Creative and fun art & craft ideas for parents and educators of children 3-8 years old. Art and Craft projects and printable templates, activities, how-to-draw guides, coloring pages and more in the Arty Crafty Kids Members Area! Happy Crafting! Helen x

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