Abstract Easy Flowers in a Vase Painting Idea

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Welcome Spring with a gorgeous Abstract Easy Flowers in a Vase Painting Idea.

This art project features a wonderful blend of abstract and realistic composition to create an interesting piece of art that’s perfect for kids and beginners to explore.

The art tutorial will demo how to paint 3 different types of flowers, which are made up of swirls and singular paint strokes, making them super easy to paint.

Complete with a video tutorial, comprehensive step-by-step instructions and printable illustrations – it couldn’t be easier to apply this art idea into lesson plans either at home or within the classroom.

Welcome Spring with a gorgeous Abstract Easy Flowers in a Vase Painting Idea. Perfect for kids and beginners. 

A fun and easy way to paint flowers while exploring both abstract and realistic composition art.

And while on the topic of how to draw easy flowers and art, children could learn how to advance their creative skills with our How to Draw a Tulip Bouquet, How to Draw a Rose and How to Draw a Sunflower tutorials!

Not forgetting the very smallest of Arty Crafty Kids, we also have a gorgeous collection of flowery coloring pages available for painting!

How to Paint Abstract Flowers in a Vase – An Easy Flower Painting idea for Kids and Beginners!


  • White Card Stock or Small Canvas
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Fine Tippled, Flat Tipped and Round Paint Brushes

Download the Step-by-Step Instructions: 

The ‘how to draw flowers in a vase’ step-by-step illustrations
are available to members of the Arty Crafty Kids club
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What is Abstract Art?

Abstract art is a free style of art with an emphasis on color, shape, line, and texture over realistic representation of subject matter.

The idea of abstract art is to engage with the moment ( very much like our flow drawing technique) and create without thinking too much about the how. Instead the artist is led by emotion and expression.

Benefits of Abstract Art for Kids:

  1. Encourages creativity: Abstract art allows kids to express themselves freely without being limited by specific subject matter or rules. This encourages Arty Crafty Kids to be creative and think outside the box.
  2. Develops fine motor skills: Creating abstract art requires the use of fine motor skills, such as holding a paintbrush or cutting and pasting materials. This can help kids develop dexterity and hand-eye coordination.
  3. Teaches color theory: Doing abstract art can help children learn the basics of color theory, such as how different colors can interact and create new shades. They learn through the act of doing and experimenting.
  4. Boosts self-esteem: When kids create abstract art, they have the opportunity to engage with their sense of self; using colors, shapes and lines that feel good and right to them, all free from the boundaries of a pre-determined end product.

Watch the video to see how we blended and created the abstract background and easy flower painting:

How to Create Simple Abstract Art

This abstract art idea is designed to be created quickly, encouraging children to playfully paint colorful lines that come together to create an interesting backdrop to the flowers.

It’s an opportunity for children to explore color creation, combinations and discover their preferred palette in a free-style approach.

How to paint an easy abstract background.

Step 1: Load the brush with paint and create a series of block lines all over the canvas.

Before your Arty Crafty Kids dive into this process, maybe spend a few minutes thinking about the how the background will blend or contrast with the flowers in a vase.

My advice would be to select just a few colors for the background; a mixture of analogous (similar/closely related colors) and complimentary (colors that are opposite each other in the color wheel) colors.

How to paint an easy abstract background.

Start by applying the paint to the canvas in a random fashion, criss-crossing different shades and varying the length and thickness of the blocks.

Of course, being abstract art, all different types of shapes can be explored – Arty Crafty Kids may compose lines, spots, circles, squiggles, a little of each and fill part or all of the white canvas space – it’s up to them!

How to paint an easy abstract background.

Once the Arty Crafty Kids are satisfied with their abstract canvas, leave the art to thoroughly dry before moving onto the next step.

How to Paint Flowers in a Vase

Step 2: Paint the outline of the vase in a single block color.

Draw a square/rectangular shape in a color that stands out from the background.

This shape will become the vase.

For simplicity our vase takes the form of a basic shape, however if your Arty Crafty Kids are feeling adventurous, they could have a go at creating a traditional vase shape or design one of their own.

Alternatively, members can dive into the Arty Crafty Kids club and download one of our vase templates – here’s a freebie: vase template.

Abstract Easy Flowers in a Vase Painting Idea

Step 3: Color in the vase.

Step 4: Paint a number of long green stems from the vase into the open space above.

The stems are long, slightly arched lines that ascend from the vase.

The lines may fall lower than the vase or cross each other.

Arty Crafty Kids may design a vase brimming with stems or just a few.

How to Draw the Flower’s Leaves

Step 5: Use various shades of green to complete the leaves and foliage.

Using a flat tipped brush that’s squared off, paint the outline of the leaf in two parts:

1) From the stem draw a line that immediately branches out and away from the stem and then quickly bring the brush back to create a tip in line with the starting brush stroke.

2) Do the same with the other side and finish with the tip of the leaf.

Step 6: Fill in the leaf’s outline with a green shade.

Once the first leaf is painted, create a few more; scattering the leaves all over the stems in different shapes and sizes.

How to Paint Flowers an Easy Step-by-Step

First Easy Flower Painting Idea: Rose

Step 7: Use a brush to apply small blobs of white and red (pink or purple) in circles.

Step 8: Use a q-tip or brush to swirl the paint to create a rose shape.

Swirl the paint in a circular motion blending the color with white.

Depending on the results of the swirl, add more color and white until the rose looks complete.

Painting the

Use a brush to add extra highlights of color.

Second Easy Flower Painting Idea: Dahlia, Marigold or Daisy

Step 9: Create a dark brown circle and surround it with single strokes of evenly spaced paint.

Step 10: Paint a second round of evenly spaced petals that sit between and/overlap the first layer of petals.

Step 11: Continue painting petals in a circular motion until the petals meet the center.

Throughout the process of forming the flower, get creative with color shades – this will add definition and a sense of dimension to the flower.

Third Easy Flower Painting Idea: Hyacinth, Foxglove or Lavender

Step 12: Paint single brush strokes around the top of the stem.

Encourage kids to use their creativity and mix different colors to make their own unique shade.

Step 13: Surround the stem with single paint strokes that slant downwards.

Create evenly spaced petals around the stem.

To add body to the flower, paint a second row of petals around the first.

Arty Crafty Kids should continue painting the flowers of their choice until the vase is brimming with color.

Step 14: Finish the art project by decorating the vase!

Welcome Spring with a gorgeous Abstract Easy Flowers in a Vase Painting Idea. Perfect for kids and beginners. 

A fun and easy way to paint flowers while exploring both abstract and realistic composition art.

I hope your Arty Crafty Kids have a wonderful time exploring this flowery art concept – I’m sure the results will be spectacular and a joy to see on display.

As always, we love to Arty Crafty Kids’ creativity in action and if you happen to share their completed makes on social media, please do give us a tag or/and use the #artycraftykids – happy crafting!

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